are we a good fit?

Image of abstract art with face and two shapes

what are trina’s specialties?

  • Relationship issues of all sorts including conflict, connectedness, family drama, impact of family of origin, sibling rivalry, friend breakups, loneliness, etc

  • Complex trauma (complex PTSD), religious trauma, intergenerational trauma, & childhood / developmental trauma

  • Self-esteem, worthiness, sense of purpose, & identity development

  • Perfectionism, people pleasing, burnout, everyday stress, & boundaries

  • Culture, spirituality, & concerns related to marginalized identity

Image of abstract art with two faces and two colorful shapes

who are trina’s clients?

  • Adult children of addicts

  • Couples with different cultural backgrounds

  • Couples struggling to feel like they’re on the same team

  • Families of adults

  • First generation immigrants & their loved ones

  • People with strong overlap between their work or calling & their identity

  • People navigating life transitions

  • Ordinary people of all genders, orientations, backgrounds, & relationship types who are going through it & just need someone to talk to

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what’s it like to work with trina?

You are the expert in your own life, and I'm here to help you reach your goals—not the goals I set for you. Whatever your values, your experiences, and your vision for your life: I’m into it. I want to understand how to see the world through your eyes. If you're struggling to express what you want, we can start there to help you find your voice.

My role is to create a safe space for you to explore and process. I get curious about your journey and how it feels to be you. This might involve talking, sitting with your feelings, or discussing concepts that might relate to you, like trauma, family dynamics, social & cultural expectations, and human development.

Image of abstract art with face and three overlapping shapes

who is not a good fit?

The number one factor in whether a client & I vibe is whether we feel like we vibe. So it’s hard to say what might or might not work.

That being said, here are some folks I would refer to more specialized care:

  • Individuals who are actively struggling with addiction &/or psychosis—though I can work with couples & families with a member struggling with addiction &/or psychosis

  • Young children or families with young children seeking therapy for the whole family because I am not trained to work with clients who are too young to engage in talk therapy—though I love working with couples & co-parents who have young children